Pre COVID-19 Pandemic: Labeled as an eccentric with borderline Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) tendencies who washes his hands far too many times in an hour and far too long on each wash; builds too thick of a bird’s nest when padding down public toilet seats pre-use; uses paper towels and in the absence of paper towels, uses elbows to turn on faucets and pump soap in public restrooms, or when having a really intense day, will wait minutes for someone to open the door and enter the bathroom, thus, allowing him to exit hands free; practices daily social distancing years in advance of becoming a worldwide activity; quarantines himself in times of sickness to prevent others from getting ill long before self- isolation was considered important; often wears gloves or in the absence of gloves, uses layers of paper towels to turn door handles and touch elevator buttons after noticing co-workers failing to wash hands after using the bathroom; uses napkins to pick up and squeeze ketchup bottles and salt shakers in public restaurants while patrons stare with concern; orders his own food (not to be shared) with embarrassment and tries his best not to look at what’s happening in the open kitchen while his friends all split tapas in a bond of unity at trendy hipster restaurants; wipes down airplane seats, screens and seatbelts to remove hidden germs while passengers watch with judgement; immediately undresses and throws clothes in wash upon returning home from sitting in movie theatre seats that look as though they have never been cleaned since the venues were first opened; holds his breath when walking by strangers to ensure he doesn’t breathe in potentially infected air; carries a bottle of hand sanitizer at all times and ensures the car is stocked with several too; wipes down keys, steering wheel and sprays hands after pumping gas; endures ridicule for educating others about the prevalence of bacteria, parasites and viruses that live on dirty surfaces; cleans all surfaces and light switches (including the TV remote) when staying in hotels; uses knuckles to punch in debit and credit card codes when making purchases; chooses to forego eating at a dinner party after witnessing the host lick their fingers and pet their dog before continuing to slice up the brisket; gets easily embarrassed after being laughed at by coworkers for insisting upon office cleanliness and for constantly reminding others to cover their mouths while sneezing; regularly wipes work keyboard with disinfectant and even goes the distance by using a Lysol wrapped credit card for cleaning between keys; is encouraged to seek therapy for his potentially debilitating behaviors and who is the targeted butt end of jokes often made by family and friends about his frequent concern regarding sanitation and the lack of hygienic practices in society.
Mid COVID-19 Pandemic: Labeled as a well-adjusted responsible young man who is celebrated by friends and family, has become an unwitting hygienic consultant and looked upon as a beacon of leadership, respect and consideration for the well-being of others.